I have complete graduation in Civil engineering and Assistant engg civil in MSEDCL with 10 year expe

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My self sandip my profession is civil engineer I like learning new concept

Friday, April 22, 2022

Painting procedure to home

                                      follow painting procedure  as per below steps 

  1. Clean all existing plastered surface including dust, greese and other shabby spot from wall with help of sand paper/ wire brush & wash existing wall surface.
  2. Remove all unwanted plaster from wall & fill up & downs of existing wall with wall care putty  & Prepare smooth surface       ( Asian  paint wall care putty/ Birla wall care putty)   
  3. Apply single coat primer on Plastered surface / smooth surface with Proper mixing of primer & wait for drying surface . after drying apply second coat of primer on wall without brush spot or painting roller spot ( in this steps skill of painting necessary )
  4. Now apply two coats of selected good quality paint  (for external side weather shield ( apex)/ Rain coat and internal side  plastic emulsion/ velvet paint/ OBD paint etc.)
  5. During painting work  strictly instruct to painter for painting done from top to bottom so painting marks not showing on wall
  6. Select two colors combination light color and dark color 
  7. Paint brands Asian paint, kansai nerolac paint , Burger paint ,deluxe paint etc. Apex paint ( weather shield paint) 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How to Clean water tank

  पाण्याच्या टाकीच्या साफसफाईचे काही टप्पे (जमिनीखाली / भारदस्त साठवण टाकी) 

1) टाकीतून सध्याचे पाणी उचला व टाकी रिकामी करा 

2) आता स्वच्छता करणारी व्यक्ती पाण्याच्या टाकीत प्रवेश करते 

३) पाण्याच्या टाकीतील सर्व गाळ आणि इतर साहित्य काढून टाकण्यासाठी स्वच्छता करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीला सूचना द्या 

४) सर्व गाळ काढून टाकल्यानंतर पाण्याच्या टाकीची आतील बाजू स्क्रबरने स्क्रब करा
पोटॅशियम परमॅग्नेटसह (0.25mg/sq.mt)

५) पाण्याच्या टाकीच्या आतील बाजूची  सर्व बुरशी काढून टाकल्यानंतर सुक्या फडक्याने संपूर्ण टाकी पुसुन घ्या 

६) टाकी साफ केल्यानंतर लगेच पाण्यचा वापर करू नका 

७) कमीत कमी सहा महिन्यातून पाण्याच्या टाक्या निर्जंतुकीकरून घ्या 

८) पाणी हे जीवन आहे, पाण्याचा वापर जपुन करा 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

How to calculate cement concrete

 After compltion of your new house construction and now you doing concrete work in front portion of house for your car parking then how to calculate  concrete work and it's  materials 

Consider your vacant portion in front of your house is 15m X 15m and M-15 concrete required M15=1 : 2 : 4

Now calculate volume of concrete,consider thickness of concrete is 0.150m i.e 6 inch

Dry Volume of concrete is 15m X 15m X 0.150 =33.75 cu.mt

Wet volume of concrete is increase 54% due to void=33.75 X 1.54 =51.75~52.00 cu.mt 

Calculate cement Quantity =52.00/(1+2+4)=7.42 X 1 =7.42 cu.mt

 volume of 50 kg cement bag is =0.035cu.mt

Number of 50kg cement bag =7.42/0.035=212.00 number

Calculate sand(fine aggragete) quantity 

=52.00/(1+2+4)=7.42 X 2=14.84 cu.mt

One brass sand =2.83 cu.mt 

So 14.84/2.83=5.24 brass sand require  

Calculate metal (coarse aggragete) Quantity =52.00/(1+2+4)=7.42 X 4 =29.68 cu.mt

So 29.68/2.83=10.48~10.50 brass metal require 

Summary :- for 50 feet by 50 feet vacant plot with 6 inch  thick  concrete following quantity of material  require 

1) cement:- 212 number cement bag 

2) sand / fine aggragete :- 5.50 brass

3) Metal /coarse aggragete :- 10.50 brass

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Why stone/aggregate spread in sub-station yard and how its procedure of spreading in substation yard.

1) For reducing step potential and touch potential during short circuit in sub-station yard metal/ aggregate spreading is most important.

2) Reducing grass/shrubs /bushes growth in sub - station yard 

3) Improvement and Aesthetic view of sub station yard  

        Procedure of metal spreading in electric sub-station yard

1) Removing all exiting grass/ shrubs/bushes with it's roots in sub-station yard.

2) Collect existing old metal in sub-station yard.and keep in proper stacking 

3) Screening of existing metal with sieve and remove all dust, grease, plastic waste, roots of plant from old  metal also wherever necessary wash the existing metal and stack in proper.

4) After collection of metal in yard,filling uneven space with murum and keep yard proper level position. with help of level tube and leveling instrument. 
5) Now spread stone dust 25 mm to 50 mm thick as per yard condition.also compact the stone dust and fill the voids in murum and check level.
6) After spreading stone dust tarpaulin /plastic paper ( 150 to 200 GSM ) spread in yard with proper size.


7) Spread 25mm to 40mm size metal /aggregate in two layer i.e 40 mm size one layer and 25 mm size  one layer total thickness is 65 mm.

8)After above layer Spread 12mm to 20mm size metal /aggregate in two layer i.e 20 mm size one layer and 12mm size  one layer total thickness is 35 mm.

9) Completion of all layer spray genetic herbicide on sub station yard .

Thursday, June 17, 2021

How to calculate number of Bricks in the wall

During construction of dream sweet home some questions rise in mind i.e  how to built our dream home here we disuses small part of house construction related material  i.e Number of bricks required for built a house.Suppose owner select 0.20 M X 0.10 M X 0.10 M Brick size in brick kiln factory available in near area. consider  construct / built  3 M length wall and its heights 3 M with thickness of wall is 0.230 M 

Volume of brick wall without plaster  =  3 M Length X 3 M Height X 0.20 M Brick = 1.80 Cu.mt

Deduct mortar joint volume 10% of brick wall = 1.80-(1.80 X 10% ) = 1.62 Cu.mt.

Net volume of brick wall  = 1.62 Cu.mt.

Volume of one brick  = 0.20 M Length X 0.10 M Height X 0.10 M Breadth = 0.002 Cu.mt 

Now calculate number of bricks =  1.62/0.020 = 810.00 Number Brick

Add 5% wastage during Transportation and construction = 810+(810 X 5%)= 850.50 = 850 No's Brick

Summery = For built / construction of 3 m length and 3 m height wall 850 No's Brick required.

 Note:- One brass brick wall construction i.e 10 feet X 10 feet =  850 No's Brick

For Reference calculation =  volume of brick wall X 475= Number of bricks required  

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How to calculate cement plaster and its material

During construction of house it is necessary to know, how to calculate the quantity of plaster with Material. The construction owner of house is confused about the above knowledge Now here steps of calculation for reference.

Building / house owner decide 20 mm thick plaster required for external wall of building/house 

Consider 50 M length of wall and 3 M height of building wall and cement plaster ratio is 1:5 (cement to sand )

Quantity of plaster
=50  X 3 =150 Sq.mt

Calculate wet volume of plaster =150.00 X (20/1000) =3.00 Cu.mt 

Increase 30% dry volume to wet volume = 3.00+(3.00 X 30% )= 3.90 Cu.mt

Calculate the Material quantity i.e cement and sand 

 Cement Quantity =  (3.90 X 1 ) / (1+5) = 0.65 Cu.mt 

volume of 50 kg cement bag = 0.035 Cu.mt 

Number of 50 kg Cement bag = 0.65/ 0.035 = 18.57 Cement bag

Sand Quantity =  (3.90 X 5 ) / (1+5) = 3.25 Cu.mt   = (3.25/2.83) = 1.14 Brass 

1 Brass sand =2.83 Cu.mt

Summery- 20mm plastering for 50 M length and 3 M Height  wall  18.50 number of cement bag and 1.14 Brass sand Require 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Types of cement for construction

 Various types of cement used in construction industry 

1) ordinary Portland cement (OPC )

2) Portland pazzolona cement (PPC) 

3) Rapid hardening cement 

4) fly ash cement 

Normally ordinary Portland cement and Portland pazzolona cement used in construction industry for casting of building footings, Colum, beam, slab, plaster,  and any other house construction purposes. also used for construction of bricks and stone masonry, PCC, Retaining Wall construction,

Types of brand in PPC and OPC

Ultratech cement 

JK super cement 

Ambuja cement 

Dalmiya cement 

2)  Rapid hardening cement 

This type of cement used in construction for bridges ,heavy structure, water foundation structure. The property this cement is set earlier then PPC and OPC cement .

Friday, May 7, 2021

Important CIVIL Engg Tips


👉 1 Brass plaster = 100 sq.ft (10 feet X 10 Feet)

👉 1 Brass natural sand = 2.83 cu.mt =100.00 cubic feet 

👉 1 Brass rubble stone =2.83 cu.mt = 100.00 cubic feet 

👉 1 brass Brick work 1344 No's bricks required

👉 1 Bag cement = 0.035 cu.mt = 1.23 cubic feet = 50 kg

👉 1 cu.mt =1000 liter

👉 1 Acre = 4000 Sq.mt = 43560 Sq.ft.

👉 1 Hector = 10000 Sq.mt = 107600 Sq.ft

👉 1 Gunta = 101.20 Sq.mt =1089 Sq.ft

👉 For Coloum Minimum 12 mm dia steel bar use

👉 M-20 = M-Stand for Mix & 20 Stand for 20 kn/Sq.mt            strength after 28 days curing of concrete .

👉 Window sill height from flooring  75 cm to 90cm .

👉 Window lintel height from flooring  210 cm 

👉 Minimum width of Door is 75cm 

👉 Minimum 4 no's bar use in coloum and Beam

👉 15 % to 20% Ventilation / opening  sufficient for 100 sq.ft   flooring area.

👉 1 Tonne Air conditioner (AC) sufficient for 100 sq.ft          flooring area.

👉 Head Room for stair case is Minimum 210 cm

👉 kitchen platform height  85 cm from flooring

👉 Minimum skirting height 10 cm . 

Painting procedure to home

                                      follow painting procedure  as per below steps  Clean all existing plastered surface including dust, gr...